Results for 'Daniela Salate Biagioni Vulcano'

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  1.  15
    Implantação dos procedimentos operacionais padronizados (pops) de higienização e desinfecção dos equipamentos e utensílios em Uma unidade de alimentação e nutrição hospitalar.Caroline das Neves Mendes Nunes, Flavia Queiroga Aranha & Daniela Salate Biagioni Vulcano - 2014 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 7 (10):34-48.
    In a hospital UFNs, an outbreak of food poisoning can have disastrous consequences and aggregate risk of death for patients. Thus, the training of food handlers is critical to ensuring the quality of the food that is produced. The aim of this study was to implement the SOPs related to sanitation and disinfection of equipment and utensils, by means of a training, containing illustrative figures and everyday issues on the subject; and evaluate the daily practice of sanitation and disinfection activities (...)
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    Statul-natiune si provocarile diversitatii/ The Nation-State and the Challenges of Diversity.Levente Salat - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):4-11.
    The author discusses and critically questions the historical development of the nation-state – the „success story” of the last three hundred years. Its fundamental ideas are embraced both by the common mentality regarding the role of the state and the theory of international relations, which recognizes the nation-states as legitimate actors on the stage of international politics. The main challenges toward this model are, in the author’s view, the process of globalization and the reality of diversity (ethnic and linguistic). Even (...)
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  3. The nation-state and the challenges of diversity.L. Salat - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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    Ueber den Geist der Philosophie.Jakob Salat - 1968 - [Bruxelles,: Culture et Civilisation.
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  5. Lógica dialéctica y metodología.Pla Y. Salat & Manuel[From Old Catalog] - 1942 - Barcelona,: Librería Bosch.
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  6. Psicología y ética general.Pla Y. Salat & Manuel[From Old Catalog] - 1943 - Barcelona,: Librería Bosch.
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    The Challenge of Diversity Answers and Dilemmas.Levente Salat - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):189-207.
    The conference of Salat Levente, "The Challenge of Diversity Answers and Dilemmas".
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  8. Il problema del criterio di verità nella Disputatio de incertitudine religionis Christianae di Christian Francken.Mario Biagioni - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:469.
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  9. Jacques Maritain.Enzo Biagioni - 1968 - Roma,: Ciranna.
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  10. Note e notizie-Sebastiano Castellione.Mario Biagioni - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):211.
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    Integrity of the grey/white matter border is associated with cognitive performance in ageing: The PATH Through Life Project.Cherbuin Nicolas, Shaw Marnie, Salat David H., Sachdev Perminder & Anstey Kaarin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12. Episodic future thinking.Cristina M. Atance & Daniela K. O'Neill - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (12):533-539.
  13.  40
    Mira como crece la maleza en el Lenguaje. Cuerpo y colonialidad en Piñen de Daniela Catrileo.Daniela Acosta - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 16:27-37.
    El presente artículo aborda la estrategia escritural de Daniela Catrileo. Se propone revisar la elaboración del concepto de piñen examinando la relación entre lenguaje y colonialidad, para, de ese modo, subrayar el potencial político y reivindicativo que comporta en la novela del mismo nombre, Piñen (2019). Dicha hipótesis articulará el ejercicio de lectura aquí propuesto, atendiendo principalmente las estrategias narrativas empleadas –servirse de un polilingüismo que rompe estructuras gramaticales– para descentrar el lenguaje de su determinismo colonial. Así, interpretamos dicha (...)
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  14. Daniela cojocaru Antonio Sandu.Daniela Cojocaru - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):258-276.
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  15. Daniela cojocaru Sorin cace Cristina gavrilovici.Daniela Cojocaru - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):37-56.
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  16.  22
    Medien-Räume: Eröffnen – Gestalten – Vermitteln.Jörg Noller, Christina Beitz-Radzio, Melanie Förg, Sandra Eleonore Johst, Daniela Kugelmann, Sabrina Sontheimer & Sören Westerholz (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Lehren und Lernen, verstanden als komplexe Vermittlung und Verarbeitung von Inhalten, finden immer in räumlichen Kontexten statt, die hinderlich oder förderlich sein können. Diese Räume können von ganz verschiedener Art sein und sie müssen sich keineswegs auf den Hörsaal und Seminarraum beschränken. Der Sammelband, der aus zwei Symposien des Münchner-Dozierenden-Netzwerks in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 hervorgegangen ist, möchte diese Räume erkunden, medial reflektieren und zugleich neue Räume für die Lehre eröffnen. Folgende Fragen stehen dabei im Zentrum: Welche Lehr- und (...)
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  17.  48
    Research ethics and artificial intelligence for global health: perspectives from the global forum on bioethics in research.James Shaw, Joseph Ali, Caesar A. Atuire, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Armando Guio Español, Judy Wawira Gichoya, Adrienne Hunt, Daudi Jjingo, Katherine Littler, Daniela Paolotti & Effy Vayena - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background The ethical governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care and public health continues to be an urgent issue for attention in policy, research, and practice. In this paper we report on central themes related to challenges and strategies for promoting ethics in research involving AI in global health, arising from the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR), held in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2022. Methods The GFBR is an annual meeting organized by the World Health (...)
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  18.  18
    Poor Sleep Quality and Its Consequences on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy.Christian Franceschini, Alessandro Musetti, Corrado Zenesini, Laura Palagini, Serena Scarpelli, Maria Catena Quattropani, Vittorio Lenzo, Maria Francesca Freda, Daniela Lemmo, Elena Vegni, Lidia Borghi, Emanuela Saita, Roberto Cattivelli, Luigi De Gennaro, Giuseppe Plazzi, Dieter Riemann & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Individual Differences, Economic Stability, and Fear of Contagion as Risk Factors for PTSD Symptoms in the COVID-19 Emergency.Adolfo Di Crosta, Rocco Palumbo, Daniela Marchetti, Irene Ceccato, Pasquale La Malva, Roberta Maiella, Mario Cipi, Paolo Roma, Nicola Mammarella, Maria Cristina Verrocchio & Alberto Di Domenico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  20.  19
    Italian Community Psychology in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Shared Feelings and Thoughts in the Storytelling of University Students.Immacolata Di Napoli, Elisa Guidi, Caterina Arcidiacono, Ciro Esposito, Elena Marta, Cinzia Novara, Fortuna Procentese, Andrea Guazzini, Barbara Agueli, Florencia Gonzáles Leone, Patrizia Meringolo & Daniela Marzana - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigated how young Italian people experienced the period of peak spread of COVID-19 in their country by probing their emotions, thoughts, events, and actions related to interpersonal and community bonds. This approach to the pandemic will highlight social dimensions that characterized contextual interactions from the specific perspective of Community Psychology. The aim was to investigate young people's experiences because they are the most fragile group due to their difficulty staying home and apart from their peers and because they (...)
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  21.  17
    From Resilience to Burnout in Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Role of the Ability to Tolerate Uncertainty.Michela Di Trani, Rachele Mariani, Rosa Ferri, Daniela De Berardinis & Maria G. Frigo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has placed extraordinary demands upon healthcare systems worldwide. Italy's hospitals have been among the most severely overwhelmed, and as a result, Italian healthcare workers' well-being has been at risk. The aim of this study is to explore the relationships between dimensions of burnout and various psychological features among Italian healthcare workers during the COVID-19 emergency. A group of 267 HCWs from a hospital in the Lazio Region completed self-administered questionnaires online through Google Forms, including the Maslach Burnout (...)
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  22.  52
    Deep brain stimulation to reward circuitry alleviates anhedonia in refractory major depression.Thomas E. Schlaepfer, Michael X. Cohen, Caroline Frick, Markus Mathaus Kosel, Daniela Brodesser, Nikolai Axmacher, Alexius Young Joe, Martina Kreft, Doris Lenartz & Volker Sturm - unknown
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) to different sites allows interfering with dysfunctional network function implicated in major depression. Because a prominent clinical feature of depression is anhedonia--the inability to experience pleasure from previously pleasurable activities--and because there is clear evidence of dysfunctions of the reward system in depression, DBS to the nucleus accumbens might offer a new possibility to target depressive symptomatology in otherwise treatment-resistant depression. Three patients suffering from extremely resistant forms of depression, who did not respond to pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, (...)
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  23.  30
    Ethical Challenges Experienced by Healthcare Workers Delivering Clinical Care during Health Emergencies and Disasters: A Rapid Review of Qualitative Studies and Thematic Synthesis.Mariana Dittborn, Constanza Micolich, Daniela Rojas & Sofía P. Salas - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (3):179-195.
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    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    Resilience Contributes to Low Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak Among the General Population in Italy.Vittorio Lenzo, Maria C. Quattropani, Alessandro Musetti, Corrado Zenesini, Maria Francesca Freda, Daniela Lemmo, Elena Vegni, Lidia Borghi, Giuseppe Plazzi, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Roberto Cattivelli, Emanuela Saita & Christian Franceschini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  26. If Marc is Suzanne’s father, does it follow that Suzanne is Marc’s child? An experimental philosophy study in reproductive ethics.Kristien Hens, Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    In this paper, we report the results from an experimental reproductive ethics study exploring questions about reproduction and parenthood. The main finding in our study is that, while we may assume that everyone understands these concepts and their relationship in the same way, this assumption may be unwarranted. For example, we may assume that if ‘x is y’s father’, it follows that ‘y is x’s child’. However, the participants in our study did not necessarily agree that it does follow. This (...)
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  27.  40
    Holism in a European Cultural Context: Differences in Cognitive Style between Central and East Europeans and Westerners.Michael Varnum, Igor Grossmann, Daniela Katunar, Richard Nisbett & Shinobu Kitayama - 2008 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 8 (3-4):321-333.
    Central and East Europeans have a great deal in common, both historically and culturally, with West Europeans and North Americans, but tend to be more interdependent. Interdependence has been shown to be linked to holistic cognition. East Asians are more interdependent than Americans and are more holistic. If interdependence causes holism, we would expect Central and East Europeans to be more holistic than West Europeans and North Americans. In two studies we found evidence that Central and East Europeans are indeed (...)
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  28.  35
    Non-viable embryos created with synthetic DNA.Adrian Villalba, Anna Smajdor, Iain Brassington & Daniela Cutas - 2025 - Trends in Biotechnology.
    It is plausible that in the future synthetic DNA (synDNA) technology could enable the creation of non-viable embryos for research, potentially bypassing ethical objections to embryo experimentation. This article explores how the technology might work, the ethical concerns it might mitigate, and the challenges that remain.
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    Rebirthing the clinic : the interaction of clinical judgement and genetic technology in the production of medical science.Joanna Latimer, Katie Featherstone, Paul Atkinson, Angus Clarke, Daniela T. Pilz & Alison Shaw - 2006 - .
    The article reconsiders the nature and location of science in the development of genetic classification. Drawing on field studies of medical genetics, we explore how patient categorization is accomplished in between the clinic and laboratory. We focus on dysmorphology, a specialism concerned with complex syndromes that impair physical development. We show that dys-morphology is about more than fitting patients into prefixed diagnostic categories and that diagnostic process is marked by moments of uncertainty, ambiguity, and deferral. We describe how different forms (...)
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    Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy.Charles E. Scott, Susan Schoenbohm, Daniela Vallega-Neu & Alejandro Arturo Vallega (eds.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    In theCompanion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophyan international group of fourteen Heidegger scholars shares strategies for reading and understanding this challenging work.
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    Music, Rhythm and Trauma: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis of Research Literature.Katrina Skewes McFerran, Hsin I. Cindy Lai, Wei-Han Chang, Daniela Acquaro, Tan Chyuan Chin, Helen Stokes & Alexander Hew Dale Crooke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  32.  26
    Eugenics between Darwin’s Εra and the Holocaust.George Boutlas, Dimitra Chousou, Daniela Theodoridou, Anna Batistatou, Christos Yapijakis & Maria Syrrou - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):171.
    Heredity and reproduction have always been matters of concern. Eugenics is a story that began well before the Holocaust, but the Holocaust completely changed the way eugenics was perceived at that time. What began with Galton as a scientific movement aimed at the improvement of the human race based on the theories and principles of heredity and statistics became by the beginning of the 20th century an international movement that sought to engineer human supremacy. Eugenic ideas, however, trace back to (...)
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    Emotion Regulation in Rescue Workers: Differential Relationship With Perceived Work-Related Stress and Stress-Related Symptoms.Anne Gärtner, Alexander Behnke, Daniela Conrad, Iris-Tatjana Kolassa & Roberto Rojas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Predictors of Learning Engagement in the Context of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Maria Magdalena Stan, Ioana Roxana Topală, Daniela Veronica Necşoi & Ana-Maria Cazan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main aim of the present research is to analyze the predictive value of individual characteristics such as online self-efficacy, adaptability to uncertainty, and sources of stress during online learning on learning engagement. We also aimed to highlight if these relationships could be mediated by the online self-regulated learning strategies, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 529 university students and the design was cross-sectional. The results showed significant associations of the sources of stress in online learning with self-efficacy, leaning (...)
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    The Smart Aging Platform for Assessing Early Phases of Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Neurodegenerative Diseases.Sara Bottiroli, Sara Bernini, Elena Cavallini, Elena Sinforiani, Chiara Zucchella, Stefania Pazzi, Paolo Cristiani, Tomaso Vecchi, Daniela Tost, Giorgio Sandrini & Cristina Tassorelli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:635410.
    Background:Smart Aging is a serious game (SG) platform that generates a 3D virtual reality environment in which users perform a set of screening tasks designed to allow evaluation of global cognition. Each task replicates activities of daily living performed in a familiar environment. The main goal of the present study was to ascertain whether Smart Aging could differentiate between different types and levels of cognitive impairment in patients with neurodegenerative disease.Methods:Ninety-one subjects (mean age = 70.29 ± 7.70 years)—healthy older adults (...)
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  36. Two Kinds of Curiosity.Daniela Dover - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):811-832.
    Leading philosophical models of curiosity represent it as a desiderative attitude whose content is a question, and which is satisfied by knowledge of the answer to that question. I argue that these models do not capture the distinctive character of a form of curiosity that I call 'erotic curiosity'. Erotic curiosity addresses itself not to a question but to an object whose significance for the inquirer is affective as well as epistemic. This form of curiosity is best understood by analogy (...)
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  37.  53
    Behavioral and facial thermal variations in 3-to 4-month-old infants during the Still-Face Paradigm.Tiziana Aureli, Annalisa Grazia, Daniela Cardone & Arcangelo Merla - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  38. The Walk and the Talk.Daniela Dover - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):387-422.
    It is widely believed that we ought not to criticize others for wrongs that we ourselves have committed. The author draws out and challenges some of the background assumptions about the practice of criticism that underlie our attraction to this claim, such as the tendency to think of criticism either as a social sanction or as a didactic intervention. The author goes on to offer a taxonomy of cases in which the moral legitimacy of criticism is challenged on the grounds (...)
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  39. The Conversational Self.Daniela Dover - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):193-230.
    This paper explores a distinctive form of social interaction—interpersonal inquiry—in which two or more people attempt to understand one another by engaging in conversation. Like many modes of inquiry into human beings, interpersonal inquiry partly shapes its own objects. How we conduct it thus affects who we become. I present an ethical ideal of conversation to which, I argue, at least some of our interpersonal inquiry ought to aspire. I then consider how this ideal might influence philosophical conceptions of the (...)
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    Clinical decision making in the face of financial scarcity. Findings of in-depth interviews.Daniel Strech*, Kirstin Börchers*, Daniela Freyer*, Anja Neumann*, Jürgen Wasem* & Georg Marckmann* - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):94-109.
    ZusammenfassungDie finanziellen Ressourcen im deutschen Gesundheitssystem sind begrenzt. Diese Mittelknappheit führt im Rahmen der ärztlichen Tätigkeit zu medizinischen, ökonomischen, juristischen und ethischen Problemen, welche sich in den kommenden Jahren weiter verschärfen dürften. Aus ethischer Perspektive sind die Probleme einer gerechten Verteilung knapper Ressourcen sowie mögliche Rollen- oder Gewissenskonflikte der ärztlichen Profession besonders relevant. Mit Hilfe von qualitativen Interviewstudien lässt sich der aktuelle ärztliche Umgang mit der Mittelknappheit in der klinischen Versorgung in seiner Komplexität und seinen ethisch relevanten Aspekten untersuchen. An (...)
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  41. Promoting Well-Being in Old Age: The Psychological Benefits of Two Training Programs of Adapted Physical Activity.Antonella Delle Fave, Marta Bassi, Elena S. Boccaletti, Carlotta Roncaglione, Giuseppina Bernardelli & Daniela Mari - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Environmental Ethics Unveiled: Navigating the Nexus Between Government Divestiture and Environmental Investment.Farman Ullah Khan, Sajid Ullah, Fawad Rauf, Junrui Zhang & Daniela Harangus - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study examines the impact of government divestiture on corporate environmental investment (EI) and investigates how regional development moderates this relationship. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2012 to 2022, we employ a fixed-effect model to analyze the data. Our findings reveal a negative effect of government divestiture on EI. Furthermore, we observe that regional development mitigates this negative impact, indicating that firms operating in developed environments are more inclined to prioritize environmental concerns, likely due to increased stakeholder (...)
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    Analysis of Critical and Positivist Accounting Theory in Latin America.Oscar Lenin Chicaiza Sanchez, Galo Hernán García Tamayo, Rolando Patricio Molina Diaz, Sylvia Elizabeth Zarate Fonseca, Maria Fernanda Larco Pachacama, Daniela Lizbeth Palacios Barahona & Gorozabel Basantes Evelin Melissa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:440-452.
    This article establishes an analysis of the first contributions and the importance of the Critical and Positivist theories of accounting in Latin America over the years, through the study of scientific articles by recognized accounting experts from different countries on the theories.. Also, carry out a bibliographic examination of criticism and positivism applied to accounting, resulting in the correlation of concepts focused on accounting in Latin America. The type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach with the purpose of (...)
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    Legislating Patient Representation: A Comparison Between Austrian and German Regulations on Self-Help Organizations as Patient Representatives.Hester Bovenkamp, Julia Fischer & Daniela Rojatz - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):351-358.
    Governments are increasingly inviting patient organizations to participate in healthcare policymaking. By inviting POs that claim to represent patients, representation comes into being. However, little is known about the circumstances under which governments accept POs as patient representatives. Based on the analysis of relevant legislation, this article investigates the criteria that self-help organizations, a special type of PO, must fulfil in order to be accepted as patient representatives by governments in Austria and Germany. Thereby, it aims to contribute to the (...)
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    Selection Processing in Noun and Verb Production in Left- and Right-Sided Parkinson's Disease Patients.Sonia Di Tella, Francesca Baglio, Monia Cabinio, Raffaello Nemni, Daniela Traficante & Maria C. Silveri - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:360708.
    Verbs are more difficult to produce than nouns. Thus, if executive resources are reduced as in Parkinson's disease (PD), verbs are penalized compared to nouns. However, in an experimental condition in which it is the noun that must be selected from a larger number of alternatives compared to the verb, it is the noun production that becomes slower and more prone to errors. Indeed, patients are slower and less accurate than normal subjects when required to produce nouns from verbs (VN) (...)
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    Alternative sources of information: Griô oral tradition practices in knowledge references.Júlia Raquel Farias da Costa, Daniela Eugênia Moura de Albuquerque & Murilo Artur Araújo da Silveira - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7337.
    This article investigates how the oral tradition practices of griôs in the Northeast of Brazil can be used as sources of information. This is an exploratory study based on bibliographic and documentary techniques, which used semi-structured interviews as a data collection tool. The data was analyzed using pragmatic language analysis. Through the interviews, we identified oral tradition as a source of information that, taken as an object of study, requires a decolonial approach. We observed a variety of oral tradition practices (...)
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    Movement-Related Activity of Human Subthalamic Neurons during a Reach-to-Grasp Task.Monika Pötter-Nerger, Rene Reese, Frank Steigerwald, Jan Arne Heiden, Jan Herzog, Christian K. E. Moll, Wolfgang Hamel, Uri Ramirez-Pasos, Daniela Falk, Maximilian Mehdorn, Christian Gerloff, Günther Deuschl & Jens Volkmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  48. Metabolomic Profiles for Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Stratification and Disease Course Monitoring.Daniel Stoessel, Jan-Patrick Stellmann, Anne Willing, Birte Behrens, Sina C. Rosenkranz, Sibylle C. Hodecker, Klarissa H. Stürner, Stefanie Reinhardt, Sabine Fleischer, Christian Deuschle, Walter Maetzler, Daniela Berg, Christoph Heesen, Dirk Walther, Nicolas Schauer, Manuel A. Friese & Ole Pless - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:378428.
    Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) shows a highly variable disease progression with poor prognosis and a characteristic accumulation of disabilities in patients. These hallmarks of PPMS make it difficult to diagnose and currently impossible to efficiently treat. This study aimed to identify plasma metabolite profiles that allow diagnosis of PPMS and its differentiation from the relapsing-remitting subtype (RRMS), primary neurodegenerative disease (Parkinson’s disease, PD), and healthy controls (HCs) and that significantly change during the disease course and could serve as surrogate (...)
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    Justicia como tolerancia: una lectura de la migración venezolana acontecida actualmente en Colombia desde las teorías de la Justicia y la Tolerancia de Jacques Derrida y Jürgen Habermas.Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Juan Esteban Arenas Pérez, Herwin Andrés Corzo Laverde, Damaris Julieth Peña Neira, Diego Armando Jaimes Ramírez, Daniela Jerez Rueda & Diego Andrés Córdoba Carrero - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):249-273.
    El presente artículo pone en diálogo dos teorías sobre la justicia frente al fenómeno migratorio, específicamente, aquel que corresponde a la movilización masiva de ciudadanos venezolanos a Colombia desde el caso particular de la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Lo anterior tiene por objetivo proponer alternativas frente a los principales conflictos que han surgido con el choque cultural, político y económico que conlleva una movilización de esta envergadura en un país poco capacitado. Para conseguir esta meta, se proponen tres momentos; primero, se (...)
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    Parents' perception of children's fear: from FSSC-IT to FSSC-PP.Silvia Salcuni, Carla Dazzi, Stefania Mannarini, Daniela Di Riso & Elisa Delvecchio - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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